Friday, April 16, 2010

Operation Clean this Hell Hole: Phase 3

1st culprit to my new apartment becoming a hell hole: the wretched 1st apartment that Rob chivalrously saved us from.

2nd culprit: myself in search of the Comcast remote that need to be mailed quickly in order to receive the hundreds they promised they owed us. Which by the way only ended up being $20.

Finally it has become Rob's turn. In a 2 day attempt to find his lefty softball glove, he has completely wrecked the house.

Scary thing is I am not even sad about it. I am kind of excited. But maybe that is due to the fact that the Belmont yard sale is coming up and I would have had to go through everything anyways??

hell.hole / Show Spelled (hel-hohl)
1. a place totally lacking in comfort, cleanliness, order, etc.
2. a place or establishment noted for illegal or immoral practices

Hopefully we're just the first part of that definition.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Whoa Baby!

What the crap? I forgot I had a blog!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Homemade Valentine's

The play date started with making homemade Valentines for friends. One family from church and another from Richmond are currently undergoing cancer treatments and we thought this would brighten their day. The kids loved gluing, stenciling, coloring and "stickering" their colored papers. This was also a good time spent with the other mommies while the kids played and snacked. The date ended with an impromptu session of ring-around-the-rosy and even our littlest guest wanted to get in on the fun!

Robbie and Aunt Sarah

Snack Time

She wants to join in the fun too!

Tea Time